From the drama "Kogawa Drama Tokugawa☆Ieyasu," which depicts the chaos caused on the set by the real Tokugawa Ieyasu (Miyake Hiroki) who has traveled back in time, here is a scene in which Shirakawa Shintaro (Matsudaira Ken), a superstar actor in period dramas, is asked by Ieyasu himself to play the role of himself. Matsudaira Ken, well known for his role in "Abarenbo Shogun," plays a Tokugawa Ieyasu that goes way beyond your imagination, and is a must-see. Kogawa Drama Tokugawa☆Ieyasuhttps://www.netflix.com/title/81444740 Currently streaming on Netflix *Streaming may end without notice. Subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/2S1vSXh Netflix official SNS: ➡️TWITTER: / netflixjp ➡️ANIME TWITTER: / netflixjp_anime ➡️INSTAGRAM: / netflixjp ➡️FACEBOOK: / netflixjp