This is the project of Dzvenislava Novakivska, a facilitator of transformational processes and a coach of change leaders and their teams, as well as a social diplomat and co-founder of the U hub Ukraine community. This is a promotion project of one of the trendy approaches to change at the community level. If Stanford is famous for design thinking and tools for innovation, then MIT is known for researching systems thinking. Theory U founder Otto Scharmer and his team at the Presencing Institute are dedicated to supporting global social change by implementing practices of conscious systems thinking and sensitive transformation based on leadership from the future. Guests of the eighth episode: Oleksandr Starodubtsev, adviser to the Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences, Denys Bloshchynskyi, musician, entrepreneur, public figure. More about Theory U and the Presencing Institute https://presencinginstitute.org/