Do you want to have your own business, but don't have a lot of initial capital to invest? Working with personalized items can be a great option! The personalized items market is expanding, has a lot of demand and is quite flexible. It is possible to open a business that fits within your reality. In this video, I will show you how to open a small personalized items company, start selling and gain your independence. Here you will learn: 1️⃣ Why work with personalized items 2️⃣ Best-selling personalized items 3️⃣ How to open a business to sell personalized items I am Flávia Paixão: ????Speaker: Strategic Management Digital Marketing ????????????Columnist for Jornal Correio ????Mentor Founder Institute ????????Ibero-American Ambassador Sebrae Delas ????????SU Leader Google Nasa ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????: https://bit.ly/3sg8vv2 Talk to me: [email protected] #personalizedgifts #openingacompany #entrepreneurship #customizedproducts #entrepreneurship