???? PROFIMATIKA SITE: https://clck.ru/3FDxts ???? All formulas for the 2025 Unified State Exam in the pin: https://t.me/+Rp1Z_tdluKBiYjg6 ???? Get the manual on logarithms in the pin in our tg: https://t.me/+Rp1Z_tdluKBiYjg6 Where else can you find us? TG: https://t.me/+Rp1Z_tdluKBiYjg6 VK: https://vk.com/profimatika 00:00 Introduction 00:23 Analysis of the task conditions 01:38 Solution method 1 10:07 Solution method 2 14:28 Summary and conclusion #mathematics #egex #profilemathematics #solveegex #mathematicsegex #mathematicsprofile #egex2025 #profilemathematics #2025 #minecraft #genshin #preparingegex #preparingforegepinmathematics #planimetryegex2025 #dvi #dvimgu2025 #tutorinmathematics #testseg #mathematicsselfpreparation #profilelevel