TODAY'S PRAYER POWERFUL PRAYER TO THE ORIXAS AND UMBANDA LINES PROTECTION AND OPENING PATHS #AXÉ Strong prayer to the orixás, Pretos Velhos, Ogum, Iansã, Iemanjá, Oxossi, Xangô, Nanã, Onibeijada, the umbanda lines and the orixás for protection and to open your paths in your life. Pray with great faith and hope and make your requests to the orixás! Axé! Welcome to the Energias & Fé channel! We post weekly videos and our goal is to share blessings with all of you who like prayers and talk about spirituality, orixás, umbanda, Allan Kardec, Pretos Velhos. Subscribe to our channel, activate notifications and stay on top of everything that happens here. 📌Follow our Social Networks: Facebook: / energiasefe Instagram: / energiasefe 💕We recommend for you: BLESSING OF IEMANJA TO OPEN PATHS LOVE AGAINST EVIL EYE AND PROTECTION SPIRITUAL CLEANSING • BLESSING OF IEMANJA TO OPEN PATHS... BLESSING of IEMANJA -To KEEP ENEMIES AWAY-ENVY-evil eye-PROTECTION and open paths (STRONG PRAYER) • BLESSING of IEMANJA -To KEEP EVIL... PRAYER OF COSME DAMIÃO for healing LOVE PROSPERITY AND PROTECTION Ask and Receive now #27th September • PRAYER OF COSME DAMIÃO for healing LOVE... TUESDAY OGUM DAY PRAYER FOR PROTECTION AGAINST ENEMIES ENVY DEMANDS - TODAY'S PRAYER • TUESDAY OGUM DAY PRAYER FOR P... OGUM SAYS: You will win! Message and prayer of PRAYER of ogum to OPEN PATHS CUT OUT EVIL • OGUM SAYS: You will win! Message and... STRONG PRAYER OF OLD BLACK WOMAN GRANDMA MARIA CONGA TO GET RID OF ENVY EVIL EYE PROTECTION AND OPEN PATHS • STRONG PRAYER OF OLD BLACK WOMAN GRANDMA MARIA... XANGO SAYS YOU WILL WIN! BE STRONG THE BEST IS GOING TO COME CHILLING MESSAGE! #energyandfaith • XANGO SAYS YOU WILL WIN! BE STRONG O ... STRONG PRAYER of XANGO to CUT ALL EVIL FROM YOUR LIFE against ENEMIES PROTECTION and OPEN PATHS • STRONG PRAYER of XANGO to CUT ALL EVIL ... Message from Grandpa Pai Joaquim with a strong prayer against the evil eye envy open paths #pretovelho • Message from Grandpa Pai Joaquim with a prayer ... STRONG PRAYER OF IANSÃ for PROTECTION OPEN PATHS and DRIVE AWAY ALL EVIL FROM YOUR LIFE • STRONG PRAYER OF IANSÃ for PROTECTION AGAINST ... MONDAY Day of the OLD BLACKS Prayer for PROTECTION to overcome all demands TODAY'S PRAYER • MONDAY Day of the OLD BLACKS R ... TUESDAY PRAYER of OXUM FOR LOVE Prayer of PROTECTION OPEN PATHS DRIVE AWAY ENVY TODAY'S PRAYER • TUESDAY PRAYER OF OXUM FOR LOVE ... Share this video: PRAYER to the OLD BLACKS to overcome all the demands of life PROTECTION AND HEALING - Ask now • PRAYER to the OLD BLACKS to overcome ... #energiasefé #faith #pretovelho #umbanda #orixás #prayeroftoday #prayer #spirituality #powerfulprayer #7linesofumbanda #axé #oxala #congo #africa #nago #nagô #spiritism @energiasefé, @energiasefé%*