Was Jesus physically attractive? Isaiah 53:2 assures that there was nothing beautiful in Jesus' appearance. Pastor Andrés Corson uses this verse to explain that Jesus had nothing that could feed his self-esteem. But, despite this, how did he become the desired one by the nations? A person with low self-esteem does not love himself, does not accept his gifts, his appearance, his way of being, his age, his gender. He compares himself, criticizes himself and thinks he does not deserve anything. He tends to react aggressively to criticism and to people who contradict him. He is someone who always seeks positive feedback and depends on it. He imitates others all the time, competes and does not work as a team. To have good self-esteem, 5 things are needed: Self-recognition: knowing and accepting our gifts, qualities and limitations. Self-acceptance: learning to love and accept ourselves. Self-assessment: valuing what we have, do and are. Self-respect: respecting ourselves. Self-improvement: wanting to be better every day at what we do. To overcome low self-esteem we also need to be clear about our identity: knowing who we are and accepting God's design; and our purpose: knowing the reason why we are in the world. Jesus knew who he was and where he was going. What do I have to do to have good self-esteem? 1. Know what God wants me to do (Ephesians 5:17). For this we need to have a permanent relationship with God, communion with the Holy Spirit and read the Bible. 2. Be certain that what I am doing is God's will, even if others say otherwise. 3. Love who we are, our way of being, our gifts. 4. Know that we were equipped with what is necessary to fulfill and do God's will. We need to identify our gifts and talents. 5. Not feel threatened by others. Know that God gave different and special gifts to each person. When there is good self-esteem we are able to admire other people, receive compliments and work as a team. Sermon of December 1, 2013 at the Auditorium of the Church The Place of His Presence - Bogotá - Colombia by Andrés Corson. www.twitter.com/corsonandrew Subscribe to our channel to receive a new video in your feed: http://goo.gl/EpjsX If you want to know more about The Place of His Presence and His Presence visit our website http://www.supresencia.com and our official channel on youtube / supresencia . Facebook of The Place of His Presence: / el.lugar.de.su.presencia Facebook of the Praise Team: / ministerio.supresencia Twitter: @SuPresenciaIgle @SuPresencia Remember to use our hashtag for both Instagram and Twitter All the music of His Presence available on iTunes: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/artis... #SuPresencia