English: Thank you always for watching. [Healbot Healbot addon download link] https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons... [Addon idTip download link that displays spell and icon ID] https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons... 00:00 Intro 01:02 General settings 03:03 Spell settings (click casting) 07:48 Skin, etc. settings 10:08 Frame - General 15:27 Frame - Heal group settings 17:06 Frame - Title, bar 20:51 Frame - Text 25:05 Icon settings - General 27:01 Icon settings - Debuff 28:28 Icon settings - Other icons 30:16 Other settings (indicators, emergency mode, etc.) 31:39 Icon settings - General buff 33:29 Custom buff settings 35:20 In conclusion #dragonflight #addon #healbot