This is the 12th episode of "Laland's Voice Recording Radio," currently airing on the comedy radio app GERA. ▼An app that lets you listen to Laland's radio for free and in the background???? https://st.gera.fan/download/ ▼Twitter / radio_gera ▼Many other popular comedians and artists are also appearing❗ Hirose Hirose (Friends) Nishikigoi Modern Times Special One Sandal Ale Tower Gacchi Keel Nobunaga Grin Peace Ranja Tai Stretchies Green Ban Ban Tenchu Eight Bridge Yamato Punks Monrose Gootan Mama Tart Nejiya Lens Kyu Daniels Manju Daiteikoku Aka Momiji Nikkyu Nanael Kabuki Standup Corgi Mach Speed Gou Fastball Muramura Tamura Lucifer Yoshioka Westland Iguchi Zigzag Ziggy Ikeda Nakayoshi Victories Laland The Mummy Ton Tsukatan Tamashiizu #Laland #Radio #Gera Gera #Incident #Tinder Gold Nishida #Soroshiro Nichiyo Chaplin #M1 Grand Prix 2019 #M1 Grand Prix #Shoten #Sorry for the noise in our house! #Omoshiroso #MynaviLaughterNight #GERA Broadcasting Station #Comedy #Comedian #Seventh Generation