"I burn while shining for others" - these words were proposed by the famous Dutch physician Nicolaes van Tulp (1593-1674) to be the motto of doctors who dedicated their lives to testing pathogens of deadly diseases on themselves, and a burning candle to be their coat of arms, a symbol. Today's hero of our column "History of Medicine in Persons" can be fully attributed to such people. This man was one of the founders of comparative pathology, evolutionary embryology, immunology, the creator of a scientific school, etc. He turned all ideas about human immunity upside down! You can find out information about the services of the European Radiology Center on the website and by phone https://radiologycenter.eu +38 (099) 915-10-40; +38 (057) 757-20-29 Follow us on social networks: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ERCKharko... https://www.instagram.com/european_ra... #History_of_medicine_in_faces #ERC #Kharkov #EuropeanRadiologyCenter #MRTKharkov #CTKharkov #Diagnostics