My dear readers, I received the following letter from a mother. The letter is as follows: *** I would like to share with you a memory of my sons (14 and 8 years old) overhearing each other's conversation. My little son said to his older brother, "I'm going to be a veterinarian when I grow up." "Then you won't be able to make money, because veterinarians don't make much money," his older brother said. He said to his older brother, "I won't be a veterinarian to make money, I'm going to be a veterinarian to save animals!" At that moment, I thought I was on the right track to reach my life's purpose! "Thank God," I said to myself. However, I have a question I want to ask you. Do you think I should advise my little son about the necessity of earning money, or should he learn when he has to in the flow of life? I don't want to dull this very valuable awareness. I am very curious about your thoughts. I would be very happy if you could answer. With my love and respect.