Stories of the Quran - What is the science of the Book mentioned by Allah in the Quran? And how was the throne of Bilqis moved with it? Asif and Solomon, peace be upon him What is the science of the Book mentioned in the Quran and how was the throne of Queen Bilqis moved with it in the blink of an eye Asif and the Prophet Solomon? Was Asif bin Barkhia from the jinn? What is the science that moved the throne of Bilqis? Who is the one who has the science of the Book in Surat Saba? What is the science of the Book mentioned in the Quran? What did the Prophet say about Asif bin Barkhia? What is the interpretation of the one who has knowledge of the Book said? How did the one who has knowledge of the Book bring the throne of Bilqis? Who is Asif in the Holy Quran? What is the supplication that Asif bin Barkhia made? Secrets of the science of the Book Supplication of the one who has knowledge of the Book The one who has knowledge of the Book said Ibn Uthaymeen What is the science of the Book mentioned in the Quran The science of the Book The Greatest Secret Learn the science of the Book Who is the one who has knowledge of the Book in the story of Solomon The difference between knowledge of the Book and knowledge of the Book