⭐️You can apply for a "free study session" on LINE to learn the correct way to study English⭐️ ↓ https://liff.line.me/2006311463-K5g0g... There are also other things such as a table of grammar rules and characteristics that you absolutely must know, and a vocabulary and phrase book that is essential for improving your TOEIC score. Please follow us here too☺️卍Instagram: / english_hina X: / hina_toeic 0:00 Start1:16 50 everyday phrases16:46 20 phrases for everyday use30:47 15 phrases you can use every day43:36 50 everyday phrases1:01:15 40 phrases for eating out1:16:49 50 TOEIC English phrases#fluent#English#self-study#completely self-study#vocabulary book#grammar#shadowing#systan#kinfure#English learning method#TOEIC#Eiken#English conversation#study abroad #No study abroad #Working holiday #Listening #Speaking #Perfect score #English grammar #English vocabulary #How to study English #Learning English