Now you can rest assured Membership → / @hearthstone_ojisan X(Twitter) → / hs_oji Infinite Armor Priest Class: Priest Format: Standard Pegasus Year# 2x (1) Nightshade Brown 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows 2x (2) True Code: Synchro 2x (2) Creation Protocol 1x (3) Everlasting Love 2x (3) Holy Nova 2x (3) Burning Stone 2x (4) Alconite Defense Crystal 2x (4) Shadeleaf of Invasion 2x (4) Puppet Theatre 2x (4) Silence 1x (5) Secret Steal 1x (6) Harmony Pop 1x (6) Ra'-den 1x (7) Aman'thul 1x (7) Exodar 2x (7) Diamond Spellstone 2x (7) Rewrap# AAECAafDAwa7xAXPxgXP9gWv/wXZsAb23QYMrYoEhJ8Eu8cF7fcFyP8Fo50GwrYGgLgGmcAGkMEGi9wGi+YGAAA= # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #Hearthstone #Dark Universe Dranai Legend