"If someone really has power, then they exercise it in silence and peace. Such hysterical pleas are a reflection of the fear that has crept into the president, and rightly so," Danica Popović, a retired professor at the Faculty of Economics, told N1, commenting on Aleksandar Vučić's plea to students to return to the classroom. She said that the state's "cheap" offer to young people to buy apartments with a small down payment was a "cheap" one, and she believes that both students and their parents would reject such a thing. She added that the student protests were "the initial spark". "Something has started to burn - limitedly, but if it continues, it could turn into an explosion", said Danica Popović. Follow us: Facebook: / n1srbija / n1hrvatska / n1bih Twitter: / n1infobg / n1infozg / n1infosa