The Max and Moritz spherical gas tanks in Kaiserslautern are getting old and have numerous damaged areas. For this reason, Heinrich Schmid carried out corrosion protection work on behalf of the Kaiserslautern municipal utilities. After careful planning and cleaning, the weld seams were coated and an intermediate coat and top coat were applied to the spherical sheets. The extraordinary thing about it was the execution of the work. It was carried out using rope with the help of additional training. Training to become an industrial climber is an excellent technical specialization and brings advantages such as time savings and flexibility in the workflow. #heinrichschmid #heinrich #schmid #heinrichschmidgroup #heinrichschmidkaiserslautern #kaiserslautern #sphericalgastanks #corrosionprotector #corrosionprotection #industrialclimbing #stadtwerkekaiserslautern