ONLINE COURSES (BASIC AND ADVANCED) THAT I RECOMMEND: TRANSFORMER WINDING COURSE (IN PDF) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-enrolamento... DIGITAL TV REPAIR COURSE IN PDF https://technologycursos.wixsite.com/... CELL PHONE REPAIR COURSE (VERSION 5.0) https://hotm.art/Conserto-de-celular-top NOTEBOOK MOTHERBOARD REPAIR COURSE https://hotm.art/Conserto-de-placa-ma... BASIC ELECTRONICS COURSE (FOCUSING ON REPAIR) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-eletronica-... BASIC ELECTRONICS COURSE (GENERAL FOCUS) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-eletronica-... COURSE IN MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR OF VOLTAGE INVERTER https://hotm.art/Aprenda-a-fazer-inve... COURSE IN PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ENERGY https://hotm.art/Curso-energia-solar-... COMPLETE DIGITAL MARKETING COURSE (FROM SCRATCH) https://hotm.art/Curso-de-Marketing-D... SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH FRIENDS: • Learn 3 Practical Ways to Identify... SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW: / @technologycursosoficial Introduction: Whenever you have a project that involves a transformer, it becomes necessary to know the power it can supply to the circuit. In this video, you will learn 3 practical ways to identify the power of the transformer. Definition: Power is defined as work performed in a given time. It can be calculated in several ways, both theoretically and practically. Area of application: Power starts from the moment you energize an equipment/device. The theoretical formula for calculating power is P = E x I. You can see, through the formula, that for power to exist, a voltage must be applied and a current must be established. The power that a transformer can supply to a given load can be calculated using the type E blade, the spool or the transformer core. 1) Identifying the Transformer Power using the type E blade: Procedures: a) Measure, with a ruler or caliper, the width of the type E blade; b) Check, in the standard spool table, the measurements of sections A and B for the measured value of the blade; c) Convert the section values from millimeters to centimeters; d) Multiply the value of section A by that of section B; e) Square the resulting value in centimeters. The result is the transformer power in volt-ampere (VA). 2) Identification of the Transformer Power through the reel: Procedures: a) Measure, with a ruler or caliper, sections A and B of the reel; b) Convert the section values from millimeters to centimeters; c) Multiply the value of section A by that of section B; d) Square the resulting value in centimeters. The result is the transformer power in volt-ampere (VA). 3) Identification of the Transformer Power through the core: Procedures: a) Measure, with a ruler or caliper, sections A and B of the core; b) Convert the section values from millimeters to centimeters; c) Multiply the value of section A by that of section B; d) Square the resulting value in centimeters. The result is the transformer power in volt-ampere (VA). Conclusion: I hope that, by the end of this class, you have learned how to identify the transformer's power through these three practical ways. Hello, I am Professor Valdenilton, Technical Coordinator of the Electronics courses taught by Technology Cursos. I love transforming people's lives through teaching. My goal is to teach people like you to repair the electronic equipment they love, helping in every way possible. INFORMATION: Our Website: https://technologycursos.wix.com/tech... Business Contact: [email protected] Whatsapp Center: (82) 9 8706-9200