Hello. This is In God, delivering the fragrance of the Bible🌹. My goal is to read the entire Bible in 2020. I want to experience my life changing as I read the Bible. And I am grateful to my parents who support me without holding back. I am happy that I can do God's work, even if it is not enough. 💌Email: [email protected] Please subscribe and like👍 and I will reward you with a better video.^^ The copyright of [Revised Standard Version of the Bible] used in this video belongs to the Bible Society of Korea, and it was used with the permission of the Bible Society of Korea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🌹Listen to each chapter (Choose the corresponding time indicated on the left.) [Chapter 1] The genealogy of Jesus Christ / The birth of Jesus Christ [Chapter 2] The wise men from the east come to worship / Flee to Egypt / From Egypt to the land of Israel [Chapter 3] John the Baptist preaches the kingdom of heaven / Be baptized [Chapter 4] Being tempted / Finally preaching the kingdom of heaven / Calling fishermen / Teaching, preaching, and healing [Chapter 5] Blessed people / Salt and light / Jesus and the law / Do not be angry / Do not commit adultery / Do not swear / Do not resist the evil one / Love your enemies [Chapter 6] Give alms in secret / Pray like this / Do not fast in hypocrisy / Store up your treasures in heaven [Chapter 7] Do not judge / Ask, seek, knock / Narrow gate / You will know them by their fruits / The crowds are amazed at his teaching [Chapter 8] Cleansing a leper / Healing the centurion's servant / Healing many people / Follow me / Calming the wind and the sea / Healing two demon-possessed men [Chapter 9] Healing a paralytic / Calling Matthew / Fasting debate / An official's daughter and the woman who touched Jesus' clothes / Healing the blind / Healing the mute / Taking pity on the crowds [Chapter 10] Calling the twelve disciples / Commanding the twelve disciples / You will be hated / Fear the One you fear / I came to bring you a sword / The one who will receive a reward [Chapter 11] John the Baptist / Cities that do not repent / Come to me, all you who are burdened [Chapter 12] Pruning heads of wheat on the Sabbath / Healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath / Jesus and Beelzebub / An evil generation seeks a sign / Jesus' mother, brothers, and sisters 1:02:02 [Chapter 13] The four kinds of seed that fell on the ground / Jesus explaining the parable / The parable of the mustard seed and the yeast / The reason for speaking in parables / The tares Explaining the Parables / Three Parables / New and Old / Rejection in His Hometown 1:10:19 [Chapter 14] The Death of John the Baptist / Feeding the Five Thousand / Walking on Water / Healing the Sick in Gennesaret 1:14:59 [Chapter 15] The Traditions of the Elders / The Faith of the Canaanite Woman / Healing Many / Feeding the Four Thousand 1:20:45 [Chapter 16] An Evil Generation Seeks a Sign / The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees / Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ / Death and Resurrection For the First Time 1:25:12 [Chapter 17] Transfigured in Glory / Healing a Demon-possessed Child / Death and Resurrection Again / Paying the Temple Tax 1:29:35 [Chapter 18] Who is Great in the Kingdom of Heaven / If Your Brother Sins with You / The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant 1:34:54 [Chapter 19] Teaching About Divorce / Laying Hands on Little Children / The Rich Young Man 1:39:38 [Chapter 20] The Workers in the Vineyard / Jesus foretells death and resurrection a third time / A mother's request / Heals two blind men 1:44:33 [Chapter 21] Enters Jerusalem / Cleanses the Temple / The Fig Tree Withers / Jesus Speaks About His Authority / Parable of the Vineyard Workers 1:51:53 [Chapter 22] Parable of the Wedding Feast / Paying Taxes to Caesar / The Controversy Over the Resurrection / The Greatest Commandment / Christ and the Son of David 1:57:41 [Chapter 23] Rebukes the Scribes and Pharisees / Speaking About Jerusalem 2:03:40 [Chapter 24] Prophesies the Destruction of the Temple / Signs of Disaster / The Greatest Tribulation / You Will See the Coming of the Son of Man / Lessons to be Learned from the Fig Tree 2:10:25 [Chapter 25] Parable of the Ten Virgins / Parable of the Talents / When the Son of Man Comes with All the Angels 2:17:12 [Chapter 26] Discussing to kill Jesus / Pour perfume on Jesus' head / Judas betrays / The Last Supper / Predicting Peter's denial / Praying in Gethsemane / Arrested / Standing before the Sanhedrin / Peter denies knowing Jesus 2:28:34 [Chapter 27] Handing Jesus over to Pilate / Judas hangs himself / Handing Jesus over to be crucified / Soldiers mock Jesus / Crucified / Losing his spirit / Joseph puts Jesus' body in the tomb / Guards guard the tomb 2:37:55 [Chapter 28] Resurrection / Guards report / Commanding the disciples ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 📖Listen at 2x speed: Settings at the top of the video - Playback speed - Please set to 1.25x / 1.5x / 2x speed.^^ Bible, Bible reading, Bible verses, Bible memorization, listening to the word, listening to the 66 books of the Bible, listening to the Bible, 66 books of the Bible, words, listening to the word, before going to bed, listening to the gospel of Matthew, Matthew 1, Matthew 5, Matthew 6, Matthew 7, Matthew 2