Discover how to manage your company's finances well and grow. Watch the video until the end to access special and FREE content! ✌️ Sign up to receive more sales, marketing and management tips to boost your business. ???? http://bit.ly/inscreva-se_SebraePR ✍️ ABOUT THIS VIDEO ✍️ Is the disorganization in your business's finances hindering your company's growth? Learn how to have better and more efficient financial management and manage your business's resources the right way! But what is financial management? These are the processes that involve the company's financial resources, such as controlling accounts payable and receivable, managing cash flow and working capital. And it is possible to organize your company's finances in a simple way! First, you need to write down all the information that involves the business's expenses and earnings. Establish a routine to make notes, weekly, biweekly or monthly, of the money that comes in, i.e. accounts receivable. To do this, list all the ways in which your company sells and the deadlines for receiving the amounts. Knowing all the sales channels and how each one will bring money into the cash register gives you an overview of the time and value of each financial inflow. This way, you can plan your investments and the payments that need to be made, i.e. accounts payable. By knowing the flow of money that comes in and goes out of the company, you can make better decisions for the growth of your company. Watch the video until the end to better understand how to do this control and how to use spreadsheets to control the finances of your business! Now, if you've already watched the video, here's the link we mentioned: ???? Control Spreadsheets - Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable: https://www.sebraepr.com.br/gratuitos... ???? Entrepreneur Portal for formalizing the MEI: https://www.gov.br/empresas-e-negocio... ???? Activities allowed for MEI: https://www.gov.br/empresas-e-negocio... ❤️ SHARE THE CONTENT! ???? • IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS FINANCES ???? ... ✅ SEE ALSO: ???? How to set up a BUSINESS MODEL from SCRATCH? ???? EASY STEP BY STEP [UPDATED 2022]: • How to set up a BUSINESS MODEL from Z... ???? How to make a MAP of OPPORTUNITIES for YOUR BUSINESS ???? MAKE MORE MONEY by following two SIMPLE METHODS: • How to make a MAP of OPPORTUNITIES for... ???? How to GET THE MEI reliability SEAL? ???????? Simple and updated STEP BY STEP! • How to GET THE MEI reliability SEAL? ???? MEET SEBRAE PARANÁ! When you think about entrepreneurship, think about us! We are the biggest partner of micro and small businesses in Paraná. Our solutions are designed for every moment of your life and your business. On this channel, we bring together everything you need to know to expand your business in a practical and uncomplicated way. ???? Connect with us on other channels: Join the Sebrae Community and have access to thousands of content: https://comunidadesebrae.com.br/ Download the Meu Sebrae app and take our service in your pocket: http://www.sebraepr.com.br/meusebrae/... Access our Portal and check out several free tools and services: https://www.sebraepr.com.br/ Or, talk to us by phone: 0800 570 0800 Follow us on social media! Facebook: / prsebrae Instagram: / LinkedIn: / Twitter: / sebrae_pr TikTok: / sebraepr #Entrepreneurship #SebraePR #Finance