This sermon with Pastor Marco Feliciano will bless you. Pastor Marco Feliciano talks about the courage of the Apostle Paul, about the transformation of the Church of Jesus Christ. Leave your prayer request in the comments. Subscribe to the channel and like it. Credit: Pastor Marco Feliciano's ministry. Editing: Channel Thriving with God / Adibaitipr. Here you will find preaching. Morning prayer, evening prayer, afternoon prayer, uplifting messages. Sermon with Camila Barros. Sermon with Pastor Marco Feliciano. Sermon with Pastor Silas Malafaia. Missionary preaching. Gabriela Lopes. Short sermon. Excerpts from sermons. Many other preachers. Motivational videos. Channel link https://tinyurl.com/y8ezbfeg #thrivingwithgod #PastorMarcoFeliciano #marcofeliciano #evangelical preaching #preaching #messagefromgod #church #devotional #morningprayer #youthcongress #pastorarcofelicianocongress