Did you know that Jesus taught many important lessons on the mountain? So come with me! Let's open The Big Book! Biblical Text: Matthew 5 The Big Book presents: Bible Story for Children: THE BEATITUDES [the sermon on the mount] #thebeatitudes #sermononthemount #sermononthemount #children #children's #bible #jesus #newtestament #biblelessons #thebigbook #matthew5 #gospel TO PURCHASE THE BIG COLORING BOOK, VISIT: https://go.hotmart.com/P92312605K?dp=1 FOR FREE PDF MATERIALS, VISIT: www.grandelivro.com.br To purchase THE BIG ACTIVITY BOOK, visit: https://grandelivro.com.br/o-grande-l... FOR STORIES IN ENGLISH, ACCESS THE GREAT BOOK CHANNEL: / @thegreatbook_official FOR STORIES IN ITALIAN, ACCESS THE IL GRANDE LIBRO CHANNEL: / @ilgrandelibro TO PURCHASE OUR T-SHIRTS AND SWEATSHIRTS, ACCESS: https://www.estampalab.com.br/estampa... TO WATCH LATER: BIBLE MARATHON: STORIES ABOUT OBEDIENCE • BIBLE MARATHON: Stories about Obedi... THE BOOK OF GENESIS • Bible Story for Children: THE BOOK OF GENESIS • Bible Story for Children: DAVID AND GOLIATH • Bible Story for Children: DAVID ... 🔴Follow THE BIG BOOK on Instagram / canalograndelivro 📖Biblical content and devotionals for parents and teachers of the children's ministry