⭐ We visited TEAM AUSTRIA - the young cheerleaders ⭐ who have been able to call themselves world champions for some time now! ???? We managed training and lifts ???? and of course heard lots of stories about what it feels like to be world champion. ???? ???? If you are interested in cheerleading, you can find out more at this address: https://oeccv.at/mitgliedsvereine/ By the way: You can find Ilias' own fashion collection at https://iliawears.com YOU CAN ALSO FIND US HERE: Instagram: ilia_iliaswelt arwen_iliaswelt ????We always have new videos on Sundays at 11am. We also have them during the week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. ????We keep our content spontaneous and informal, so be sure to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell ???????????????????? THIS IS ALSO AVAILABLE! ???????????????????????? ⭐ Friendship book: - Lovingly designed profile pages - Lots of space for entries and funny photos - Cool participation pages, DIYs and tips for BFF activities - Personal profiles of Ilia and Arwen https://www.amazon.de/Best-Friends-Fr... ⭐ Sticker book: https://www.amazon.de/dp/3745903889/r...