Fatigue Best Membership → / @hearthstone_ojisan X(Twitter) → / hs_oji Fatigue Spaceship Demon Hunter Class: Demon Hunter Format: Standard Year of Pegasus # 2x (1) Illidan's Prep 2x (1) Taste of Chaos 2x (1) Crimson Seal Runner 2x (2) Security!! 2x (2) Wayward Sage 2x (2) Cremation Aura 1x (2) Instrument Technician 2x (2) Clairvoyance 2x (3) Shattershard Turret 2x (3) Paragliding 2x (3) Warp Drive 2x (3) Burning Stone 2x (3) Infiltration 2x (4) Alconite Defense Crystal 2x (4) Gravetor 1x (5) Alanna the Thrill Seeker # AAECAdbJBgK4xQXEuAYOs6AEtKAEpMMF9MMFsvUF4fgF4/gF38AGkMEGi9wGo9wG9OUGweoG0f4GAAA= # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #Hearthstone #Hearthstone #Dark Universe Dranai Legend