If you've just become a manager, you NEED to watch this video!!! =============================================== In addition to these videos, I've been publishing almost daily content on my TELEGRAM channel. There I teach how ordinary people are being promoted in the company they work for, even without a training course like an MBA or even without English. And they're getting executive positions that pay salaries above 30 thousand reais. To join my Telegram, all you need to do is click on the link below: https://bussolaexecutiva.com.br/telegram ============================================== Let's become a successful executive 👊🏻 ➤Website: www.bussolaexecutiva.com.br ➤Youtube: / patriciayagopian ➤LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/patriciayagopian ➤Instagram: instagram.com/patriciayagopian ➤Facebook: facebook.com/patriciayagopian ➤Video link: • IF YOU HAVE JUST BEEN PROMOTED TO MANAGER,... Patricia Y Agopian