Reunited with Koichi Imayoshi and ace Yota Enoshita, members of the Kagoshima Technical High School team that thrilled the 2006 Summer Koshien. They talked about their memories of those days, the present, and the future. Filming support: CHINESE RESTAURANT Choryumon CHORYUMON 2F Hilton Tokyo Odaiba, 1-9-1 Odaiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo au is giving away a special giveaway to celebrate the release! 300 people will win 1,000 Ponta points! (Until 31/3/2025) https://camp.auone.jp/campaign/43893d... ▼Subscribe to the YouTube channel here / @yuki_saito-ch ▼Saito Yuki Instagram: / yuki____saito ▼Saito Yuki ch X: https://x.com/yukisaito_staff ▼Saito Yuki ch TikTok: / saito_yuki88 00:00 Purpose of this visit00:56 Title01:08 Reunion01:50 How long has it been since we last met? 03:00 Kagoshima is nice, isn't it?04:32 What's Imayoshi-san doing after graduating from high school? 06:21 Enoshita-san's English07:54 The big fever after Koshien09:24 When was the first time you met? 09:50 What are your impressions of each other? 11:30 Memories from high school 13:48 About building a baseball field 15:54 What I want to do when the baseball field is built 17:03 Name of the baseball field 17:57 Build a baseball field in Kagoshima? 20:07 Ending #88 generation #Koichi Imayoshi #Yutaka Enoshita #Kagoshima Technical #Waseda Jitsugyo #Koshien #God of pinch-hitting #Best 4 #Komadai Tomakomai #Fever #Building a baseball field #Building the future of baseball #Yuki Saito #Yuki Saito baseball field project