study of the Fathul Mu'in book chapter on the Ab'ad sunnah of prayer and matters that cause Sahwi prostration, in this meeting it is explained what if the Ma'mum forgets the Initial Tasyahud, after the 2nd rakaat he just plays himself, suddenly the imam sits, or what if the Ma'mum forgets qunut and just prostrates even though the imam reads qunut, what should the Ma'mum do. The study of the Fathul Mu'in book is held at the At Tawwaab Larangan Indah Mosque, Larangan District, Tangerang City, Banten, every Friday after Maghrib, supervised by KH Fakhruddin Al Bantani. ================================== Let's get books by Tuan Guru KH Fakhruddin Al Bantani. check our store at ✓ Tokopedia https://tokopedia.link/ikhtiarrezeki ✓Shopee https://shopee.co.id/sardi_mustaupa?s... direct purchase wa wa.me/+6282282228176 ========================