Quintet und Quartett der Brüder Smrtnik www.smrtnik.at Quintett und Quartett der Brüder Smrtnik Image/Video © DOLINŠEKfilm The Smrtnik Brothers started their singing career in a children's choir in Obirsko. The choir was small in number, but it was known for the fact that the children sang in three voices from an early age. The children's choir in Obirsko was led by the long-time Obir folk school teacher, poet and writer Valentin Polanšek. When in 1985 the Christian Cultural Union (KKZ) again organized a family singing after a long break, the then secretary of the KKZ Nužej Tolmajer was frantically looking for families who would perform at this family singing. He called several times on the phone and in person in Korta pri Smrtnik to convince the parents of the boys to sing as a family on this occasion. Ata Franc and Mama Marija hesitated, saying that this required practice, but who would teach them the song and, of course, there was always a lack of time! However, the discussion in the family about a possible performance at the family singing resulted in the fact that Franc Jožef, Zdravko, Marjan and Vladimir decided to try to sing at this family singing as part of a boys' quartet. They approached their teacher, Valentin Polanšek, and asked him to prepare them for this first public appearance. They met at three rehearsals, and then on July 14, 1985, they performed publicly for the first time "Pri Cingelc" in Trata, near Borovelj.