I've been dreaming of this for a while, printing my photos at home, managing my entire image chain all by myself, the real photographer's workshop! EPSON made a childhood dream come true by offering me the chance to become an ambassador, they sent me their latest printer, the SC-P900, as well as lots of photo paper to test it all out!! The SureColor Pro 900 is a real technological gem that I invite you to discover in this video! I hope you have a good time, and that you like the competition :) COMPETITION ???? __________________ To participate: -Follow @jonathanbertin & @epsonfrance on Instagram -Subscribe to my YouTube channel -Comment on the Instagram post by tagging 2/3 friends so they can discover my work Competition link here: / cm9-xfxf5n0 ???? CREDITS _______________________ Big thumbs up to @Djilalli for the editing! And thanks to Epson for this project!