I'm making a BIG mushroom for a lathe. Morse taper #5. Our second channel: Egoiste company / @egoistecompany 1) Induction heater MICROSHA: https://nashaelektronika.ru/indukcion... 2) Induction heaters in Rostov: https://don220.ru/g19347248-induktsio... Tool from AliExpress: 0) mug with motor: http://ali.pub/5am9vf 3) Set of cutters made of tungsten alloy http://ali.pub/556fvu 4) UV filter for lens: http://ali.pub/5abkxy 5) Full-screen caliper: http://ali.pub/5abl8u 6) Shop of cutters and equipment: http://ali.pub/591j4c 7) Parting (grooving) cutter and 10 inserts for metal - http://ali.pub/39a91i 8) Brass welding rod http://ali.pub/5enete 9) Set of turning cutters 12x12mm http://ali.pub/561xrd 10) Wire brushes, stripping: http://ali.pub/55n6jk 11) Hydraulic crimping tool: http://ali.pub/5abllo 12) List of stores with a frequency converter with an input of 220 volts, an output of 3x380 volts http://ali.pub/5b4r12 13) Frequency converter for a lathe 11 kW from AliExpress: http://ali.pub/58le5b 14) Energy meter Voltage volt current meter: http://ali.pub/5acmdu 15) Digital multimeter MAXRIENY S9CL: http://ali.pub/59bmq5 16) Non-contact laser tachometer : http://ali.pub/5ajv58 17) Screwdriver bit set http://ali.pub/5eney9 18) 2-way joystick switch http://ali.pub/5enf1 19) Steel balls with handle http://ali.pub/5eu4gu #ingarage #withyourhands #rotatingcenter #Morse taper5 #lathefungus #autoreanimator #lathe #howtosharpenmorse taper #DIY #craft #veryeasy #sdelairukami