It seems that many people who exercise still have many questions and concerns about squats, so I made up my mind and visited the Miran Gymnasium in Goyang City where national weightlifting team members train! In fact, I met Park Joo-hyo as a contestant on a previous You Look Show broadcast and was so motivated by his story that I promised to visit him next time. After seeing him compete as a national team member in the Paris Olympics, I was impressed once again and ran like the wind to motivate many subscribers! I learned that the purpose of today's squats was to focus on functionality rather than isolation. I usually avoided free squats because my lower back and knees were uncomfortable, but after doing full squats as a warm-up before isolation exercises, I felt a huge help. Any exercise can have tremendous synergy depending on the purpose, so I recommend trying something new with an open mind at least once. I hope you get another motivation from today's video and exercise consistently and healthily without injury! #KimJongKook #JimJongKook #ParkJooHyo