The series revolves around Adel (Ashraf Abdel Baqi), who is surprised by the return of Ramzy, who disappeared a long time ago. Adel and Ramzy continue their daily situations filled with many comedic paradoxes with all his family members who live with him in the same house: his wife, mother, sister, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and daughter. Directed by: Asad Fouladkar (director) Written by: Basem Hussein (writer on the writing team) Walaa Sharif (written and supervised by the writing team) Cast: Ashraf Abdel Baqi, Lekaa El-Khamisi, Entesar, Maha Abu Auf, Hamada Barakat, Nermin Maher Other parts: Ragel w Set Setat S1 Ragel w Set Setat S2 Ragel w Set Setat S3 Ragel w Set Setat S4 Ragel w Set Setat S5