My videos on Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/olgarecipe - Subscribe Today I have prepared several recipes for interesting salads, from products that are always at hand. And I will also share ideas on how to easily and quickly decorate these salads! And all of them are perfect for any holiday and New Year's table! Check out other great salad ideas • You'll swallow your tongue! 3 RECIPES that u... RECIPES: 1) Salad with beef and Chinese cabbage Boiled beef 90 g Egg CO 3 pcs Garlic 1 clove Chinese cabbage 150 g Fresh cucumber 100 g Pomegranate seeds 25 g Homemade mayonnaise 15 g + 45 g Parsley Salt Per 100 g 148 kcal 8.4/11.8/2 Output 610 g 2) Salad with squid and egg pancakes Frozen squid 400 g Eggs CO 2 pcs Onion 30 g Carrot 40 g Cheese 15% 25 g Fresh cucumber 40 g Natural yogurt 3.5% 75 g Dijon mustard 10 g Salt Ground black pepper Apple cider vinegar 10 g Water 100 ml Per 100 g 173.3 kcal 23.4/6.8/4.4 Output 427 g 3) Snack "snowballs" Egg СО 2 pcs Boiled egg white 1 pc Cheese 15% 70 g Boiled chicken breast fillet 100 g Salt Dried garlic Ground black pepper Per 100 g 171.7 kcal 21.9/8.6/0.6 Output 315 g. 4) Layered snack salad "cube" Canned saury 150 g Potatoes 350 g Egg СО 4 pcs Pickled cucumber 125 g Carrots 150 g Feta cheese 50 g + 100 g (for decoration) Greek yogurt 170 g Gelatin 6 g Water 80 ml Dill 5 g Olives b/k 8 pcs 24 g Salt Ground black pepper Per 100 g 121.3 kcal 7.8/7.2/6.4 Yield 1325 g 5) Layered salad with a fruity note Chicken breast fillet 200 g (Black peppercorns Prunes Onions Parsley) Egg СО 2 pcs Chinese cabbage 140 g Carrots 200 g Walnuts 20 g Dried garlic Oregano Salt Homemade mayonnaise 15 g + 25 g Per 100 g 104.8 kcal 8.8/6.6/2.5 Yield 814 g Mayonnaise Egg СО 1 pc Vegetable oil 150 g Dijon mustard 12 g Lemon juice 25 g Salt 1/2 tsp Ground black pepper Erythritol (sugar) (1 tsp) 9 g Per 100 g 553.2 kcal 3.4/59.6/0.8 Output 265 g