Today the fishing is on the Trombetas River, in search of monster trairões and peacock bass. FISHING IN THE ALTO TROMBETAS RIVER CONTACT: 3H FISHING WHATSS +55 (54) 9 9644-5454 MATERIAL USED: Rod: VENATOR 6”6 25lbs Reel: VENATOR ACX Line: VEXTER X8 40lbs Bait: POPPER RAM, GRAN BRAVA All fishing equipment from Marine Telephone for store owners: +55 45 3026-3750 Customer service: +55 45 9 8831-5455 Website: Http://www.marinesportsfishing.com/ Instagram: @marine.fishing Facebook: @marinesportsfishing Youtube Channel: marinesportsoficial Yamaha Motors Instagram:( / yamaha.nautica.brasil ) Faca na Rede Shirts Instagram:( / facanarede ) Polaris Nautica Instagram: ( / polarisnautica ) Café do Pescador Instagram: ( / cafedopescador ) XboastsBR Instagram: ( / xboatsbr ) Auto Boat Instagram: ( / autoboat.store ) Refrigerator Cooling Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/loja.resfri...) BadFish Shoes Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/badfishsapa...) Barbecue Prisma Grill Instagram: (https://www.instagram.com/prismagrill...) #johnnyhoffmann #fishing #trairao