Hypotheses and hypothesis tests: A hypothesis is an assumption or a presumption about a connection. The hypothesis is derived from the research question (the central question of your work that you want to answer). Null hypothesis H0: The null hypothesis assumes that there is no difference between two or more groups in terms of a characteristic. Alternative hypothesis H1: Alternative hypotheses, on the other hand, assume that there is a difference between two or more groups. Types of hypotheses: Difference and connection hypotheses Directed and undirected hypothesis The aim is to test the hypothesis using existing data. A hypothesis test such as the t-test or correlation analysis is required for this test. Video p-value: • p-value (simply explained) Three tips for choosing your hypothesis test: 1) Copy your data into the statistics calculator and let DATAtab suggest which test might be suitable: Get Started Video: • Online statistics calculator - DATAtab https://datatab.de/statistik-rechner/... 2) t-test for independent samples: • t-test for independent samples Chi-square test: • Chi-square test: simply explained Mann-Whitny-U-test: • Calculate Mann-Whitny-U-test ONLINE m... Correlation: • Calculate correlation analysis online ... Regression: • Linear regression: Calculate ONLINE ... 3) Free statistics starter package with PDF and videos by Daniela Keller https://statistik-und-beratung.de/ebook/ More information for hypotheses & hypothesis tests https://datatab.de/tutorial/hypothese...