???? Yandex Browser with Split: https://clck.ru/3EXxg2 ????We are in Telegram) https://telegram.me/droidergram Over the past year, Nvidia has been growing on the market and has become not only the most expensive high-tech company, but also the most expensive in the world. Just the other day, its price exceeded 3.6 trillion dollars. And recently Nvidia set both a record and an anti-record: the largest profit and the largest loss of market value in a day. We recall the history of this American company from the very beginning and tell you about the main milestones. And of course, we explain why today this company is the most expensive in the world. Subscribe! ↓ ↓ ↓ https://goo.gl/CbimGk CONTENTS: 00:00 Introduction 00:47 History of Nvidia: the company's first products 05:54 Advertising integration 07:32 Competition between Nvidia and AMD 09:26 Going beyond video games: CUDA technology and crypto mining 13:08 Nvidia and artificial intelligence 15:39 Success and leadership in AI 18:10 Conclusion ???? Our Droidercast PODCAST: Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/droidercast Podster: https://droidercast.podster.fm More videos and reviews on: http://Droider.ru http://VK.com/Droider_ru / droider_ru Boris Vedensky, Valery Istishev and Mitya Ivanov are in touch with you! Smartphone reviews, exhibition reports, news from the world of technology and much more on the most popular RuNet channel about gadgets Droider.Ru! #NVIDIA #GPU #AI #Droider