A real ordeal! Game damage represents between 30 and 40 million euros each year in France. Enough to give nightmares to all hunters in France... And it is particularly during the corn sowing period that the cost of this damage is the highest. In Alsace, Pascal Perrotey Doridant, director of the Bas-Rhin wild boar damage compensation fund, his team and the Haut-Rhin hunters have taken matters in hand, by implementing simple but effective prevention techniques. Documentary: Big game... without damage? Direction: Philippe Proix Production: Docside (2011) #documentary #huntingandfishing #hunting #fishing #mettesbottes #wild boar #agriculture #harvests #prevention #fauna #nature #terroir #collaboration #ecology #biodiversity #environment #seasons #tradition #innovation #silviculture #forest #fields #livestock #rurality #ecosystem