Sümeg Castle: In the middle of the 13th century, the castle and the surrounding settlement came under the rule of the Bishop of Veszprém. From then on, the castles of Veszprém and Sümeg were owned by the diocese and were expanded and fortified to protect against Mongolian cavalry. In 1541, around a third of Hungary fell into the hands of the Ottoman ruler Süleyman I. For 150 years, the northern shore of Lake Balaton became the border between Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. During this time, the Turks tried several times to conquer Sümeg Castle. However, the fortress was able to withstand all attacks and was never taken by the Ottomans. Due to its defensive capabilities, it also served as a bishop's seat during this period. In 1543, Sümeg, like many other castles in the area around Lake Balaton, was expanded into a border fortification and refuge. Szigliget Castle: According to tradition, construction of the castle on the top of the 243-meter-high volcanic cone began in 1260. For a while it was a royal castle, but later it became the property of the Lengyel Tóti family. Szigliget Castle was a small but strong border fortification and was well protected by the steep mountain, its island location and the swampy and marshy surroundings. Neither the Mongols nor the Turks ever managed to take the fortress.