Humanities 360° Humanities Forum 'Our Lives 5 Years Later' 1st Humans and Science and Technology 📍Topic: How do physicists prepare for the future? 📍Lecture: Professor Sangwook Kim, Department of Physics, Kyunghee University 📍Date: 2022.10.12. (Wed) 19:30-21:00 📍Moderator: Professor Taesoon Jang, Department of Philosophy, Deoksung Women's University 📍Venue ➡On-site participation: The Book Company B2 Tob Hall ➡Online live broadcast: YouTube Humanities 360 Channel #KimSangWook #ProfessorKimSangWook #Humanities #Humanities #Lecture #HumanitiesLecture #Forum #Change #Future #Physics #BookRecommendation #Science #Technology #TremblingandResonating 00:00:00 Speaker introduction 00:04:16 Lecture begins 01:02:20 Discussion begins 01:26:35 Q&A