Milan Sedláček is inextricably linked to wine, Valtice and the online encyclopedia http://www.ZnalecVin.cz. He has been in the industry for 35 years and has turned thousands of people into enthusiastic wine lovers. 15 years ago, he set up the tunneled winery of the Wine School in Valtice, which is now among the best in the Czech Republic. Then, as a manager, he built the Valtice Underground, a labyrinth of interconnected cellars, as the deputy mayor of Valtice he promoted the Hlavní město vína brand and today, among other things, he works as an independent consultant for novice winemakers. In an interview, he revealed which 3 wineries are (for him personally) the best in Moravia. More about Milan here: http://bit.ly/Sedlc Listen as an audio podcast: / jak-podnika-znalec-vin-milan-sedlacek