Koji Hagiwara, known as the "Mountain Editor-in-Chief," has been explaining mountaineering techniques for many years on the NHK BS TV program "Japan's 100 Famous Mountains." Based on the knowledge he has gained over his 50 years of mountaineering experience, he introduces the basics of how to walk safely in the mountains without getting tired. He explains practical techniques as he climbs the mountain trail from the trailhead to the summit of Kitadake in the Southern Alps. This video is linked to the book "Editor-in-Chief Hagiwara's Mountain School 2: Climbing Ability" published by Yama-to-Keikoku-sha, so reading the book as well will deepen your understanding. In addition to walking techniques, he thoroughly explains the "seven abilities" that make mountain climbing safer and more enjoyable, from how to make a climbing plan to what to do if you get lost! [Table of Contents] 0:00 Opening 0:43 Things to be careful of when starting to walk 1:50 Mountain climbing basics - be aware of your stride length 4:47 How to walk on steep steps 6:16 Tips for resting 8:11 Climbing pace 9:30 Taking a break when the climb is monotonous 10:30 Mountain climbing breathing techniques 13:39 How to climb rocky areas 14:23 Passing through rocky areas safely (three points of support) 16:52 How to walk on scree slopes 20:44 Summary [Bibliographical information] "Editor Hagiwara's Mountain School 2: Climbing Ability" (released August 2, 2024) https://yamakei.co.jp/products/282115... [Photography and editing] Kameda Masato [WEB] https://www.yamakei-online.com/ [SNS] Facebook: / yamakeionline X: / yamakei_online