Finances in a relationship are a difficult topic for many, and one that should be avoided. In the latest episode, Alicja and Paweł decided to share with you a few tips on how to have conversations about money with your partner so that they don't end in an argument. Additionally, you will learn about the models of managing finances in a relationship and you will learn how to have a successful financial date. ???? Research: Finances in relationships: https://nzb.pl/aktualnosci/219-az-jed... Young Poles in relationships - division of financial roles: https://www.finanse.egospodarka.pl/14... Household budget of Polish couples: https://pl.kruk.eu/dla-prasy/informac... ???? Find us: Website: https://porachunkiosobiste.pl/ Facebook: Porachunki Osobiste → https://bit.ly/3faRxH8 Instagram: @porachunkiosobiste → https://bit.ly/3r0hfUs Spotify: Porachunki Osobiste → https://spoti.fi/3kaDsfy ???? Chapters: 00:00 FINANCES IN A RELATIONSHIP 03:31 ARGUMENTS ABOUT FINANCE 07:05 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MODELS 14:37 FINANCIAL DATE