???? I invite you to join the group of my Patrons and become part of a community that has a real impact on my work. https://patronite.pl/marekwaskiel Nurture Your Passion and ???? Learn Photography: Photography Course Package /Videos/ ???? https://waskiel.pl/kurs-fotografii-on... ???? A PRACTICAL GUIDE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR WAY OF PHOTOGRAPHY! https://waskiel.pl/ebook-o-fotografii Branded Vlog about Photography is a place where you will find a lot of practical knowledge about photography. In my guide to landscape photography, I talk about poor light. During an outdoor session in the Narew Valley, I talk about how to deal with poor light. I show many examples and suggest how to take interesting shots. Photographing in the golden hour is easy and pleasant. But what to do if the weather is not favorable? Is staying home the only solution then? No! There are many photographic subjects that can be photographed when the sun is covered by clouds and there is fog around us. #waskiel