Today we will learn how to record an acoustic guitar in the most budgetary and simple ways. For demonstration we will use a guitar of domestic production Milena Music Link to the manufacturer: https://vk.com/milenamus In the video we compare recording via: 1) Mobile phone 2) Lavalier microphone https://ali.ski/EtUDDJ 3) Ritmix RR 898 voice recorder 4) Magnetic pickup from Aliexpress https://ali.ski/xsb8jv 5) Piezo pickup from Aliexpress https://ali.ski/fQLGt All examples use the same vst processing: compressor, do and reverb. ★Support the project on / hardsoundclub and participate in guitar giveaways, as well as get advice on any guitar issue! ★Wallets to help the channel: VISA: 4890494457127595 QIWI: +79859295114 Webmoney R152814036230 Z210346118220 Yandex 410012711169084 ★ Hardsound VKontakte https://vk.com/hardsound.club ★ Hardsound Instagram / hardsound.club ★ Telegram chat: https://t.me/joinchat/E8zXLUIHO8R6-Kt...