In this video I show you what happens if you prune your papaya or papaya. I will show you if branches come out later, that bear fruit and with this method you have dwarf papaya or that you can harvest at a lower height. I put this method to the test with a papaya or papaya tree from my garden to show you what happened over time. So if you are interested in the subject I invite you to see it, it is possible that the technique will be useful if you have very tall papaya trees that make it difficult to collect their fruits and other tasks. Thank you for your support and time in watching our videos prepared with great care for all of you who enjoy the garden. #papayaenana #pruningpapaya #lechosa #papaya #बौना पपीता #acododepapaya #acodoaereo #acodoaereodepapaya #mamão #mamão anão #camadas de papaia