Do you want to scale your firm's operation? Check out our Masterclass: https://aceleradordefirmas.com.mx/adf... Do you want to know how to successfully manage a law firm or CPA? These tips for lawyers will change your life. These are the tips as a lawyer that I can give you on what you need to do to be successful in your own legal, corporate, accounting or financial firm. In law school we learn everything related to professional practice but no one really teaches us how to go out and be successful. If you want to be a successful lawyer, you must have knowledge of business and how a firm should be managed in order to achieve its growth. If you are a lawyer or CPA and you are in the process of creating your own firm or you already have one and are looking for how to improve the processes, then this video is definitely for you! Make sure to watch the entire video as we will talk about what are the strategies and tips that helped me successfully manage my own firm. This will be very valuable to you even if your firm is dedicated to several areas or specialties in law. Tips and Strategies for Legal and Accounting Advisors: • How to set the price of services in a legal or accounting firm • How to set the price of services in a legal or accounting firm Follow us on social media! Facebook: / mnpconsultores LinkedIn: / mnp-consultores YouTube Video URL: • HOW TO MANAGE A LAW FIRM #lawyers #lawfirm #marquinanavarroyperezcotaconsultores #ulisesnavarro