Very creamy hummus with tahini 400 g / 2 cups of chickpeas, divided and soaked overnight 3 g / tablespoon of baking soda Put them in a pot and add room temperature water to them and leave them on the stove and cook them for 25 minutes until the chickpeas start to disintegrate. Drain the chickpea water and leave the chickpeas in a cup 20 g / four tablespoons of vegetable oil Put them on top of the chickpeas while they are hot and cover them and leave them in the refrigerator until they cool. After they cool, put them in a food processor and start mixing. While mixing, add a quarter of a clove of garlic 120 g / half a cup of sesame tahini, add it gradually 80 g / half a cup of vegetable oil, add it gradually 100 g / five ice cubes, add it gradually 6 g / teaspoon of salt 4 g / teaspoon of lemon salt Mix well and make sure all the edges have fallen off. Then refrigerate. And it is ready