You can see trains departing from platform 1 bound for Nakamozu at Umeda Station on the Midosuji Subway Line. The trains depart in the following order: 30000 series (31 series), 9000 series (Polestar II), 21 series, 10A series, 8000 series (Polestar), 21 series, 10A series, 21 series, 10 series, 21 series, 8000 series, 30000 series (31 series). We've added explanations using YouTube's subtitle function, so if you'd like to see them, please click on the subtitle icon in the bottom right of the video. The trains on the Midosuji Line of the Osaka Municipal Subway ==== ■A summary of the Osaka City Walking Series↓ https://goo.gl/rCvW90 ■Please subscribe to our channel! ↓ https://goo.gl/42CaQw ====