1Silicone Molds Course for Beginners - click on the hotmart link https://go.hotmart.com/V76671887I?SCK... **Materials Used in the Video** Piece of Square Wood 30x30cm Clay - 1kg Plaster - 2kg Instant Glue - 2g Baking Soda - 50g Cardboard - Box with recycled plasticized cardboard. Rice - 2kg Wide Adhesive Tape - 1 roll PVC Film - 1 roll Liquid Silicone - 1 kg **Tools Used** Ruler Pencil Scissors Utility knife Spatula #7 dental Medium loop stake Medium straight stake Recycled plastic packaging Recycled knife - stir silicone Piece of Wood - stir plaster Cleaning cloth Paper towel In this video I make a comparison between the conventional model of making a bipartite mold, with a new way of making a bipartite silicone mold, using 75% less silicone. I present the entire technique for making the economical bipartite mold. In addition to the video with all the steps to build the economical mold, I present a spreadsheet with the savings. I also produce a copy of the image in plaster and show the copy produced next to the model.