In this video tutorial you will learn how to make, step by step, a cover for your kitchen oven or stove... 💫To decorate your kitchen in a very simple and beautiful way this Christmas, you can make another project with this same base for the non-Christmas season. 💫With easy-to-find materials and even with scraps. 💫I invite you to see the other projects that are on the channel, subscribe, comment and share this video. 💫You can send me your finished project with your name to make a video with the projects made on this channel, it will be an honor for me. 💫 Leave me a message 🥰 I'll be on the lookout Follow me on my social networks: / yeseniachavarriaq Fan page / @ yesycreaciones12yeseniacha40 Youtube channel / 2676739602550586 Crafts group on Facebook https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=s1271... Telegram - Crafts Challenges Group https://bit.ly/yesenia-chavarria-wp Whatsapp Molds ➡️ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IUpM...