Or did you remember the neighbors of Dhu Salam? Did you mix tears that flowed from an eye with blood? Or did the wind blow from the direction of Kazima? And lightning flashed in the darkness from Idham? So what is wrong with your eyes if you say, “Stop,” that they yearn? And what is wrong with your heart if you say, “Wake up,” that it yearns? Does the lover think that love is hidden? Between what is harmonious in it and what is raging? Were it not for passion, no tears would have shed over a ruin, nor would you have been sleepless at the mention of the Ban and the flag. So how can you deny love after what the just have testified to against you, tears and illness, and passion has fixed the lines of a tear and anguish like spice on your cheeks and the anguish? Yes, the ghost of the one I love has passed and made me sleepless, and love intercepts pleasures with pain. O you who blame me for my pure love, excuse me. From me to you, even if you were fair, you would not blame me My secret is not hidden from slanderers, nor my illness cured You have given me sincere advice, but I do not listen to it, for the lover is deaf to critics I have accused the advice of old age of being a critic, and old age is farther removed from advice than accusations, for my sign of evil has not learned from its ignorance of the warnings of old age and decrepitude, nor has it considered as a beautiful deed the hospitality of a guest who has come to my head without being modest If I had known that I do not respect him, I would have concealed a secret that has come to me from him by concealing it Who can stop the reins of her seduction, as the reins of horses are stopped by bridles? So do not throw sins at the heart of her desire, for food strengthens the desire of the greedy, and the soul is like a child, if you neglect it, it will grow up On the love of breastfeeding, and if you wean him, he will be weaned. So turn away her desire and beware of giving her power, for desire, when it takes power, makes you deaf or makes you deaf. Watch over her while she is grazing in deeds, and if she makes the pasture lawful, do not poison her. How beautiful is the pleasure of a man, deadly, when he does not know that poison is in the fat. Beware of the plots of hunger and satiety, for many a famine is worse than overeating. Drain the tears from an eye that has been filled with forbidden things. Stick to the zeal of regret, and oppose the self and the devil and disobey them. If they give you sincere advice, accuse them and do not obey any of their opponents or judges, for you know the tricks of the opponent and the judge. I seek forgiveness from God for words without deeds. I attributed a lineage to a barren man. I commanded you to do good, but I did not obey. With it, I have not been upright, so what do I say to you? Be upright. #Burda Award #Abu Dhabi ##UAE #Morocco #United Arab Emirates #Explore #UAE