This is a series about the relocation of ordinary people to a forest village. How we create our dream from an abandoned plot in the forest. Construction of a frame house 6 by 7. Internal repair of the house. Improvement of the plot, creation of a vegetable garden and much more. What we encounter every day. How we run our farm ▶️ ALL OUR CHANNELS The Estate - / @the_village Reviews - / @konung28 🚀SOCIAL NETWORKS: 💥Telegram - https://t.me/vderevnes Yandex.Zen - https://zen.yandex.ru/white_horse VK - https://vk.com/usadba_belaya For suggestions: [email protected] SUPPORT OUR FAMILY: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/sash... Sberbank: 4279 3806 9001 4990 #village #farm #animals